Griffons as Pets
Griffon Bruxellois make wonderful pets. They are devoted, loving, loyal, cheeky, intelligent and full of mischief.
They were bred over the past 600 years, originally as stable dogs and then as companions. By the 1800's they were known as a ladies companion dog.
The stable dog gives them a lively, playful, energetic and highly intelligent personality while the companion part of the history makes them very loving and devoted, excellent at reading their owners moods and also excellent at trying to get there own way.
They are ideal as city dogs because they are small enough to take anywhere and some really do like to travel in a bag. They love to go to coffee shops and watch the passers by.
They are very intelligent and respond to positive training methods but can be stubborn if the owner tries to force them into something they don't' want .
They are gentle and great with older people. They are playful with other dogs and even cats. They are excellent companions for well behaved children but the children must be supervised closely to ensure that they do not hurt the Griffon.
These photos are of Griffons owned by club members showing them enjoying all aspects of life
as a loved pet.
Griffons like to help with the gardening and will begin to carry out their duties at a very young age
Griffons love to run and jump and play
Griffons let their owners dress them up in all types of clothes and still retain their dignity
Griffons like children who are gentle and well mannered
Griffons like to snuggle under blankets
Griffons Know that you don't really mean it when you say "No dogs on the furniture"
and they will even share with the cat!!
Griffons make great chic fashion accessories - with vintage coffee lace
Griffons love to travel with you
Griffons like to go to coffee shops, cafes and places where they can be seen. They prefer to sit at the table like a little person
Griffons like to help you make the bed and then test it to make sure it is comfortable
Griffons like to help when you are on the computer
Griffons love cuddles and there is nothing they like better than to be picked up a snuggled by their loving owner
Griffons love to sit on laps ..
If a lap isn't available then they will sit as close as the can to their owner.- even on top of them if possible
Contact Details
Secretary: Marousa Polias - [email protected]